Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What are the good reasons for Legalizing Marijuana This Research topic Paper

What are the good reasons for Legalizing Marijuana This topic for the Introduction should start with a question for which you have no answer - Research Paper Example Some of the benefits include using marijuana for medical cases, reducing pain and nerve disorders, leading to body and mind relaxation, reducing drug cartels and associated insecurity issues, increased income to the government, among others. The use of marijuana has been found to be effective in treating some conditions related to sensory neuropathy and pain reduction in nerves. Therefore, although cannabis has been banned in many countries, legalizing the use of cannabis may lead to major medicinal and social benefits to the society, making marijuana not only a medicinal drug but a vital component in dealing with major vices in the community. Cannabis has been found to be effective for medical use especially in offering reliable relief in certain neurological conditions, which suggests that marijuana has high medicinal values. Robson (2001) in a study of the medical value of marijuana noted that marijuana has a component that relieves intra-ocular pressure significantly. In other words, the research found some evidence on the use of Marijuana resulting in improved well-being and relief of symptoms in certain neurological cases, which included AIDS infections and certain types of cancers. Therefore, when used for its medicinal value, marijuana provides a wide range of medical benefits to patients. The drug may be used in a controlled medical context as â€Å"an analgesic and to contain intra-ocular pressures,† the result of which would be reduced anxiety and improved sleep among patients with the above conditions (Robson, 110). The use of marijuana for medical purposes was further supported in a study by Grant rega rding the effects of medicinal cannabis on painful sensory neuropathy. In the research, Grant observed that cannabis could address issues related to painful peripheral neuropathy, a condition characterized by â€Å"pain, abnormal sensations of pins or needles, numbness, coldness or heat† among

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